Research Software Science Project

Research software science (RSS) promotes the use of scientific methodologies to explore and establish broadly applicable knowledge. Using RSS, we can pursue sustainable, repeatable, and reproducible software improvements that positively...

E4S Project

The Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S) is an effort to create and sustain a curated software portfolio for high-performance computing applications. GitHub: Website:

The Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Project

The Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Project is focused on creating, curating and collecting resources for the scientific community to improve software practices and products. BSSw is an outgrowth of the...

The DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP)

The US Exascale Computing Project (ECP) is an effort to create a capable, sustainable, exascale computing ecosystem. I am the director of software technology for ECP. A key deliverable of...

Trilinos Project

The Trilinos project is a community effort to develop scientific and mathematical libraries that enable the solution of large-scale multi-physics, multi-scale and related modeling and simulation problems on leadership computing...

HPCG Project

The High-Performance Conjugate Gradients (HPCG) benchmark is part of the TOP500 computer ranking system. I am the designer and developer of the reference code. HPCG was a 2019 R&D 100...

Mantevo Project

The Mantevo Project is an effort to create mini-applications that enable design space exploration of key software and algorithm performance attributes in new computing environments, with new programming models and...