CS373 - Senior Research

CS373 - Senior Research

2024, Aug 19    

Course Information

  • CSCI 373 Senior Research in Computer Science, Fall 2024
    • Course description: Directed research in computer science organized around a selected topic and conducted in a seminar format. Includes consideration of computer science research methodology and analysis of current research in the seminar topic. Each student intensively explores a topic, writes a major research paper and makes a formal presentation to the department. Prerequisite: 200 (or 162) or 230 and JN/SR CSCI or NMCP major.
  • Instructor: Michael (Mike) A. Heroux
  • Time: 2:10 - 4:50 pm, Monday & Friday
  • Location: Main 270, CSB

Contact Info

  • +1 505 379 5518 (Until October 1)
  • +1 320 905 1275 (After October 1)
  • mheroux@csbsju.edu
  • Our Slack workspace

Office Hours

  • By appointment

Course Materials

  • Course Handbook.
  • The Course Handbook is the only required text for the course (available for free download at the above link). It covers many topics and should be a regular reference for you throughout the semester. Course scope, strategies for learning and expressing, assignment details, learning outcomes, and more are contained in this document.

Course GPT

  • CS373 GPT
  • This specially-tuned ChatGPT instance is trained to understand and assist you with any question, feedback, and guidance you might need regarding this course. Get in the habit of consulting it frequently!
  • Note: You must have an active paid version of ChatGPT to access this GPT.

Course Pages

Course Writing and Speaking Projects

In-class Lectures

Institutional and Class Policies

  • Institutional attendance policy
    • Class policy: With the exception of emergencies and unforeseen events, all students are expected to attend class in person or receive prior instructor approval. If attending a particular will be difficult, please let the instructor know. Job interviews, formal events, and other conflicts can often be accommodated.
  • Student Accessibility Services
    • Class policy: If you have approaches to learning and expressing yourself that are particularly good or challenging for you, please talk with your instructor during the first week of the semester if possible. Your instructor will be very supportive in exploring other approaches that enable you to learn and express your knowledge.
  • Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism policy
    • Class policy: We will follow school policy.
  • Sexual Misconduct and Title IX policy
    • Class policy: We will follow school policy.