CS317 - Agile and Efficient Software

CS317 - Agile and Efficient Software

2020, Sep 28    

Agile Manifesto: The fundamental description behind all agile approaches.

Fun Random Number Article: ‘A Million Random Digits’ Was a Number-Cruncher’s Bible. Now One Has Exposed Flaws in the Disorder WSJ Article

Requirements Management:

Design Tools:

Powerful IDEs:


Subscription to daily email provides links to interesting articles. Here are a couple.

Replacing the User Story with the Job Story.

How to read a scientific paper.

Good description for improving writing.


I cut Google out of my life. It screwed up everything.

Dr. Heroux’s Sites:

The Better Scientific Software Portal

The Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack

The Trilinos Project

The HPCG Benchmark Project

The Mantevo Project

The Exascale Computing Project

Library Research Page:

http://libguides.csbsju.edu/cs Local library resources, online resources, starting point for developing research content.

Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery:

http://cacm.acm.org Excellent source for the latest in thinking and trends in computing.

ACM TechNews:

http://www.acm.org/technews News for IT Professionals.

ACM Digital Library:

http://dl.acm.org/ Excellent source for peer-reviewed material.

TED Portal:

http://www.ted.com Short presentations on many topics in technology, entertainment and design (TED).


http://scholar.google.com Limits searching to scholarly articles; provides scholarship statistics.

ACM Code of Ethics:

http://www.acm.org/constitution/code.html Code of Ethics for the Association for Computing Machinery.