A Tale of Three CS373 Students

Michael A. Heroux


Narrator: Welcome to a glimpse into the future of three CS373, or capstone, students. Let’s take a look at how each student—-poised to depart the sheltered life of college in the near future—-fares in the capstone course of the Computer Science major.

Null: Hi, I’m Student 0, but my friends call me Null. You can call me Null, ‘cuz you’re my friends, right?

Dux: I am Student 2, or Dux. I am pleased to meet you.

Einar: Student 1, Einar. Glad to know you.


Narrator: Capstone students have just completed two classes. Let’s see what they have to say.

Null: I heard this was a tough course, but I don’t get it. There are really only a few assignments, and the last one is just gluing some old ones together. This will be easy. Time to chill with some TikTok!

Dux: DH said we should start finding our resources right away, but I’m going to pick an easy topic. Maybe I’ll just do the same project I did for databases last semester. Yeah, that’s a good idea!

Narrator: No, it’s not.

Dux: Oh, OK. Then I’ll do the TikTok prediction algorithm!

Narrator: Do you think TikTok has written much about their prediction algorithms?

Dux: Probably not? Ah, might be hard to write about something that is not published but I bet I can find something!

Einar: I’m going to spend some quality 1-on-1 time with my AI advisors. I want to find a topic that lines up with my job interests, probably something in data analysis, maybe something in graph theory. Also, I better put in some RVL (“reveal”) time. I need to be ready for class discussion. Even more important, I have to get in the habit of keeping up in the field. A lot of what I know now will be obsolete in a few years.

Dux: I suppose I should get started on some “reveal” time. I couldn’t add much to class discussion last time!

Null: “Reveal” time, what’s that?


Null: Wow, that first capstone paper is due in two days. I think I have to prepare a short talk too. Let’s see.

Dux: I have been working on the first foundations paper, but wow am I having trouble finding material. I thought there would a lot of information on TikTok’s selection algorithms. But I guess not!

Einar: Graphs, edges, nodes, clusters. This is heavy stuff, but I am glad I got a kickstart from my AI advisors and got some help at the library. Also, I found a great intro video from an online class, and a PhD thesis. Both are really useful. They go through all the basic information. I am going to have trouble fitting everything into this short assignment and talk, but I will focus on the basics.

Null: Oh, fork! Both a paper and a presentation in two days? Ugh. But I can do this, just like all the other times. What should I do for a topic? Oh, yeah, I told Heroux I was going to AI. He said that’s OK. How about AI in TikTok? Yeah!

Narrator: FIRST FOUNDATIONS ASSIGNMENT DAY. Students have completed their first paper on their research topic and have prepared a brief presentation.

Einar: OK, it was tough to condense all I wanted to say for my presentation. The paper’s long, but that’s OK. I can work on reducing word count and clarifying my statements in the next version.

Dux: I should be OK. My paper is pretty fluffy, to use Heroux’s “technical term”. Maybe I should cut and paste some text from the TikTok marketing material. It sounds deep, even though I don’t know what all the words mean.

Null: Well, I’ve got three pages of text, if I use double space and put some filler words in. I suppose I better add a bibliography. How do I cite the TikTok website?


Einar: It’s been challenging so far. I have learned a lot about graphs, and even eigenvalues. Dr. Bob’s math help sure was helpful. As soon as I get through the YouTube tutorial on intro graph theory, I should have increased my level of expertise by a lot. Oh, I should do some more “Reveal” time. That YouTube clip on cognitive rights sure was interesting. I wonder if AI will ever be able to read my thoughts.

Dux: I have sure struggled finding references for my topic. DH said we should work with the reference librarian, but I haven’t been to the library since first semester of first year. Why start now? I’ll just do some more chatbot searching. I have to invest in some “Reveal” time too. Haven’t said much that is meaningful in the past few class discussions.

Null: Wow, capstone sure is easy. Only one paper and presentation so far. It didn’t go so well, but I’ll work it out. DH seems like he is easy going. Time for some TikTok!


Null: Fork! I am way behind in this course. How am I supposed to write this long paper? I still haven’t figured out how to use LaTeX, so I’ll just write in MS Word, and copy and paste it. I haven’t found anything on how AI is done in TikTok. I think I have another assignment due too, but I don’t remember what Heroux said. Here’s the email. He always signs his emails with DH. I’m sure the D stands for dull.

Dux: I have been working like crazy the last week, but I am finally catching up in capstone. Turns out TikTok selection algorithms is way too hard, but I was able to focus on the fundamentals of AI prediction. I think I get the basics now. It’s actually very interesting. It won’t be my best presentation, but I should be OK.

Einar: I am really enjoying graph algorithms. I had no idea we could learn so much from studying relationships. It’s a little scary. It’s cool that so many companies are using graph analysis with AI to understand their business better. I hope I can use my experience to get a good job. Or maybe I should consider grad school?


Einar: I thought capstone was going to be hard, but it really wasn’t. I learned a lot about graph algorithms, which should help me find a good job. Even more important, I learned how to learn on my own. The last few weeks should be easy. I just have to synthesize my previous papers and talks and add some things I have learned recently. I am really happy to become an expert in my topic. I can even discuss current research with my profs and tell them things they don’t know!

Dux: I think I am going to make it through capstone. But I sure wish I had started sooner. I have to basically redo my early Foundations paper content.

Null: I am in trouble. Flagging capstone. (thoughtful pause) I know! I was planning to move to Seattle next summer to get into the gaming field. I bet I can take this course out there!

Narrator: No, you can’t.

Null: I can’t?

Narrator: No.

Null: Are you sure?

Narrator: Yes.

Null: Can I get an incomplete?

Narrator: Maybe.

Null: Do I have to take capstone again?

Narrator: Maybe.


Null: Need to finish my incomplete over break. Ugh.

Dux: I made it. Even got a B. I really enjoyed learning about basic AI selection algorithms. I also really enjoyed learning LaTeX. Very cool.

Einar: I am really happy I learned so much about graph analytics. I am also really glad I learned so much about other topics through my “reveal” time investments. I had no idea how interconnected computing is with the rest of the world. I am so excited that I am graduating with a CS major and learning new ideas throughout my life! AI tools may reduce the number of programmers we need but many people will need someone like me who know some computer science and can learn new topics on my own.