CS373 - Useful Links
CSCI 373: Useful Links
Library Research Page (CSCI 373-specific):
- http://libguides.csbsju.edu/cs Local library resources, online resources, starting point for developing research content.
- Web of Science Cited References link Finds articles that cite an given article. This is magic. Remember it for the future!
How to Cite Resources
ACM Digital Library:
- http://dl.acm.org/ Excellent source for peer-reviewed material.
- ACM DL from off campus: Use this link if you are not on campus, then enter your CSBSJU login information.
- ACM Digital Library User Guide
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery:
- http://cacm.acm.org Excellent source for the latest in thinking and trends in computing.
- Who is on the ACM Pubs Board, me :)
ACM TechNews:
http://www.acm.org/technews News for IT Professionals.
TED Portal:
http://www.ted.com Short presentations on many topics in technology, entertainment and design (TED).
http://groups.google.com Excellent resource for detailed technical information on specific topics.
http://scholar.google.com Limits searching to scholarly articles; provides scholarship statistics.
ACM Code of Ethics:
http://www.acm.org/constitution/code.html Code of Ethics for the Association for Computing Machinery.
Subscription to daily email provides links to interesting articles. Here are a few.
Good description for improving writing.
How to Dramatically Improve Your Speaking Voice, According to a Top Vocal Coach
Other Useful Articles
Writing and Presenting articles
- The most famous data visualisation ever and what we can learn from it
- 7 Things You Should Know About Better Public Speaking
- How PowerPoint is killing critical thought.
- Writing, Briefly.
- Ban These Words From Your Vocabulary To Sound More Confident At Work.
Interesting Science Fiction
- The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster