CS373 - Assignments Overview


CSCI 373: Overview of Assignments and Grades

Component % Description
Topic Expertise 40% Periodically throughout the semester, you will be expected to engage in dialogue about your research topic to assess your progress in becoming an expert. The assessments will focus on your progress in building expertise since the beginning of the course.
Class Participation 20% You are expected to attend all class meetings, unless prior arrangements are made, or you have an emergency.
Assignment 1 10% Foundations Phase A: You will develop a paper & presentation identifying the key concepts of your topic.
Assignment 2 10% Foundations Phase B: You will develop a paper explaining the key concepts using entities and relationships via mental models.
Assignment 3 10% Foundations Phase C: You will prepare an in-depth description and analysis of one or more technical aspects of your topic as a paper, presentation and dialogue.
Assignment 4 10% State-of-the-Field: You will write a paper and give a presentation on the state-of-the-field in your topic. You will synthesize and improve content from your previous foundations papers and include new sections on explorations and future trends.